Five Love Languages Gift Ideas for Valentine's Day

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Treat people how you want to be treated. That’s the rule right? Maybe not…if your love language isn’t the same as your partner’s. If you are in a committed relationship, it is super important that you know your partner’s love language. With the big “love day” right around the corner, there’s no better way to nail it than a Valentine’s Day gift that puts their love language front and center! This post dives into explanations of the five love languages and leads up to a great list of love languages gift ideas for Valentine’s Day. If you’re looking for the perfect gift for your partner this Valentine’s Day, keep reading!

love language gift ideas

What Are the Five Love Languages?

Ok. So maybe you’ve heard of love languages before, but never really dug into them? You’re not alone! Even if you are reading this post with a little love language knowledge, I’m guessing a little refresher wouldn’t hurt, so here it is!

Created by Gary Chapman, “The five love languages refer to the five simple ways that we want love to be shown to us and the ways that we show others love.” - from

The five love languages include:

  • Words of Affirmation

  • Physical Touch

  • Gift giving

  • Quality Time

  • Acts of Service

While you can have a combination of these love languages mean a lot to you in a relationship, it is likely that one stands out amongst the rest that makes you feel most loved and secure in a relationship. Before we dive in, which jumps out to you?  

My love language is gift giving. I LOVE getting and receiving gifts, big or small. My husband and I do “Random Tuesdays” for gift giving. The idea behind it- why wait for a big, momentous occasion to give a gift? It can be and should be random. I don’t know about you, but I’m never expecting gifts on random regular Tuesdays, so we leaned in to that concept. It’s always the thought that counts. Grabbing my favorite drink on his next grocery run, flowers just because or new pens because he knows I love handwriting notes are just simple ways to make me feel valued and appreciated. We’re here for “Random Tuesdays” y’all. I highly suggest them if you’re a gifting love language!

Why are Love Languages Important in a Relationship?

Like I mentioned above, making sure our love languages are discussed and acted on in our relationships is very important. Our love languages directly relate to how we feel in our relationships. So if you’re regularly acting on your loved ones main love language(s), the chances increase that you’ll have a happier and more fulfilled relationship.

All it comes down to is this, valuing your partner’ s love language will make them feel loved and appreciated. I loved this quote from “understanding your partner’s love language will help you discern how they show their love, so that you do feel loved and appreciated, knowing the way in which they give their love is different than yours.”

How to Find Your Love Language

If you don’t know yours already, there are quite a few places online that you can find your love language. You can use the original love language test from Gary Chapman, or others have created love language tests as well (like this one).

I highly suggest that you and your partner both take the test so that you can better understand how to care for one another in your relationship! Finding it will also help you with things like gift giving, which is what this post will help you with! Gifting someone gifts based on their love language is the ultimate way to show them how much you care!

Love Languages Gift Ideas for Valentine’s Day

Now that we have a good understanding of love languages, let’s get to the love languages gift ideas! I’ve broken the list down by each of the love languages so that it is easy to find exactly what you are looking for.

Acts of Service Gift Ideas

Some great gift ideas for acts of service include ones that center around well thought out gifts. Thoughtful gift ideas are the best for the acts of service love language!

Some examples of good acts of service gift ideas include…

  1. Prepaid house cleaning service: this is a great gift idea for your partner to take some of the load off. If cleaning the house and keeping it organized is a pain for your partner, gifting them the gift of cleanliness might be perfect for them if acts of service is their main love language.

  2. Preplanned vacation: when I say preplanned, I mean EVERYTHING should be preplanned. Don’t leave any of it up to them. Plan out the entirety of some kind of vacation (weekend away, staycation, or resort vacation) and make sure they’re entirely taken care of!

  3. Love coupons: this is a lovely intimate Valentine’s Day gift idea if your partner’s love language is acts of service. Make a little coupon book packed with offerings of things to do for your partner for them to pull from over the next year.

  4. Car cleaning appointment: everyone could use a deep car cleaning appointment, but if your partner craves acts of service, this will mean the world to them!

  5. Massage appointment: you can either offer to do the massage yourself or book them one at their favorite massage parlor but either way, your partner is about to feel very taken care of!

Quality Time Gift Ideas

  1. Date cards: there are so many offerings out there (including tons on Amazon) for this! They’re cards that you can choose from that preplan the date night for you and your partner. Leave out the back and forth game of trying to decide what to do for date night and save more of the time for one another with this gift idea for quality time!

  2. Date night subscription: date night subscription boxes can be very fun. I have heard amazing things about this one. Each month you’ll get a special box filled with a date night activity for your partner and you! (mention a personal experience if you’ve ever done one of these)

  3. Couples edition of the game “we’re really not strangers”: this game is awesome for connecting with your partner on a deeper level. The game is known for bringing people together while uncovering the bits and pieces of ourselves that we often don’t talk about! Check out the game here.

  4. Puzzle: A puzzle is a great way to spend some quality time together. Find the perfect puzzle for your partner on Amazon!

  5. Date adventure book: I adore these adventure books. They offer secret date ideas for your partner and you and all you have to do is scratch it off. They also offer space for you to document your trips and even include a picture!

Gift Giving Gift Ideas

  1. A gift for each love language: this can be a very special Valentine’s Day gift idea! Purchase one thing from each list in this post to show your partner that you really value their gift giving love language.

  2. Gift subscriptions: what is better than a gift that keeps on giving? Snag a cute subscription box service for your partner that you think they’ll love and each month they’ll be treated to a special gift that will remind them that you value their love language!

  3. A gift box of things in their favorite color: I am sure you’ve seen this gift idea before. I think it is adorable! Put together a little (or big) gift basket with some of their favorite things that are all in their favorite color! This is a great Valentine’s Day gift idea if you’re unsure of one big gift to get them. Instead, get 10 of their favorite things!

  4. One of their favorite things from childhood: A little nostalgia goes a long way! Snagging a gift that reminds your partner of their childhood could be one of the most meaningful gifts you can give. This could be another very special Valentine’s Day gift idea relating to the gift giving love language. This will show your partner just how much you love and appreciate them. Remember something they’ve talked about from their past that they adored? Buy them a new one!

  5. Something they’ve wanted for years but have never bought themselves: Has your partner been eyeing a splurge item but struggled to swipe and buy? This is your chance to WOW them! Not only does it show you’ve been paying attention to their desires over a period of time, they will now have this amazing gift that reminds them of you every time they gush over it. A #winwin.

Physical Touch Gift Ideas

  1. Massage oil candle: this is a great idea for getting intimate and spending some one on one time together. There are tons of options on Amazon!

  2. Touch bracelet: a touch bracelet is great for feeling continuously connected with your partner. They’re all made a little differently, but the goal of them is to help you feel physically connected with your partner when you’re apart from one another.

  3. Comfy pajamas: comfy pj’s are always a great gift idea, but getting a matching set to wear together while spending one on one time together is a very special idea!

  4. Weighted blanket: love laying in bed or on the couch together? Feel even more connected with a weighted blanket!

  5. Couples massage appointment: this intimate physical touch gift idea for Valentine’s Day is always a winner!

Affirmation Gift Ideas

  1. Custom “reasons why I love you” book: I adore this gift idea. This is something your partner can always keep close by and read through when they need to hear how much you value them.

  2. Personalized jewelry: personalized jewelry is a beautiful gift idea for Valentine’s Day that shows off the words of affirmation gift idea. You can leave a little note on the inside of a locket or bracelet to let your partner know just how much you love them.

  3. Heartfelt letter: this is a great idea to gift your partner with year round if words of affirmation is their main love language. They will always like hearing from you why you love them and other sweet things!

  4. Personalized puzzle: personalized gift ideas are perfect for someone who’s main love language is words of affirmation. Plus, you get some quality time built in there!

  5. “Letters for…”: this is one of my favorite gift ideas for the love languages and it is perfect for someone with a words of affirmation love language. All you have to do is put together 10-20 (or more) letters for your partner to open when they’re sad or happy, or when special events come up!

I hope this collection of love languages gift ideas has helped you find the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for your partner!

Be sure to follow along on Instagram @eclectickurves for more updates year round!

Enjoy Today!
