The Current Must Have Item in My Summer Wardrobe

Summer Must-Have: The Maxi Dress

Summer is in full swing, and I'm taking advantage of every hot day I can get to show off my fave wardrobe pieces. For me, nothing beats a great maxi dress. Whether it's for the office or date night, maxi dresses are the perfect item for your Summer wardrobe. I recently received this beauty in my July Dia Box and instantly fell in love. The color, the cut and the fabric was just what I needed for my upcoming cruise. Believe it or not, the below pictures are taken on the ship!


tips for picking a great maxi dress

Do you have coming up that could require you to need a pulled together look quick? If you answered yes, you need a maxi dress my friend. Though this clothing item is the epitome of effortless chic, all maxi dresses are not created equal. Find the dress (or dresses) that speak to your individual style. Things to consider:

  • Hemline: Maxi Dresses come in scalloped or tulip hems (pictured), or they can be high- low or cut straight on the bottom. All options could be great options for different settings.
  • Neckline: Does the neckline enhance or detract? Think about your accessories as well: high neckline, no necklace...low neckline, long necklace...etc. Is it too low cut? Are you comfortable with showing a little bit of your bra? Do you have a cami you can wear underneath?
  • Waist: Does the dress accentuate your curves or hide them? Can you belt it to make it more form fitting? 
  • Color/Print: Is the color inviting or distracting? Is the print too busy? Does the solid color make you look "one-tone"? 
  • Accessories: Think jackets, belts, jewelry, scarves, bags...all of which can they help your enhance your maxi dress and take your style to the next level. What accessories do you have at home already that can be paired with a great maxi?

My Favorite Maxi Dresses Right Now

Here are a few of my favorite maxi dresses you need for the rest of the Summer. Happy Shopping!


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