Rewarding New Years Resolutions That Are Attainable

I’ll be the first to say it- it’s time to change the New Years resolutions narrative. If you’re like me, you’re ready for New Years resolutions that are attainable and rewarding. Today I am sharing a list of rewarding New Years resolutions along with some tips and ideas for how to create New Years Resolutions that will actually last. Grab a post it and get ready to take notes!

Why New Years Resolutions Fail

Everyone understands the hype behind New Years resolutions. I think just about all of us have fallen into their trap as well, right? We’re told to make all of these plans for a “New Year, New Me” but all those plans do is set us up for disappointment without proper execution.

The societal pressure behind New Years resolutions has us diving in head first without realistic and attainable goals in mind. We’re made to think that we need to put all of this drastic work into ourselves to be “better” for the new year, but not told how to actually go about making them work. So these New Years resolutions fail and we’re left with disappointment. A vicious cycle, am I right?

If many of the resolutions you set in the past weren’t attainable or rewarding, it may have felt near impossible to actually stick with them. Rewarding New Years resolutions are the key to actually sticking with your goals without failing, but the most common New Year’s resolutions aren’t rewarding New Years resolutions and with that, there is no real substance for you to hold onto and work for. Let’s dive into them below.

Top Five New Years Resolutions and Their Problems

The most common New Years Resolutions include:

  • exercise more

  • lose weight

  • get organized

  • learn a new skill/hobby

  • save money

Now, these New Years resolutions sound great in theory, however the reason they don’t work is because there is no structure behind them.

The “exercise more” resolution might not be a strong enough goal because in order to actually get yourself to follow through, you probably need more than just exercising. You need to enjoy movement and you need a realistic, attainable goal. Odds are if working out more is one of your goals you haven’t found the fun or return in this goal in the past. So what is going to hold you to it? Where is the real substance of this goal?

Then there is the “lose weight” resolution society pushes us to add to the list. I am sure everyone has had this on their New Years resolutions list before. Listen, I’ll never be the person who tells you what to do with your body, however I will ask you to do a little introspection. Why are you losing weight? Is it just to hit a specific number? Your clothing size? Sure, you have that magical number in mind, but what does it mean? A number on a scale doesn’t equal health or worth. It’s just a number. Read that again.

Let’s say you’re still focusing on dropping a few lbs in the new year- what is going to help you lose weight? In order to lose weight and actually keep it off, you need realistic goals, right? Attainable goals. Things that make sense to you. So “lose weight” in and of itself isn’t a good rewarding New Years resolution.

Next up is “get organized”. Okay, get what organized? And where is the reasoning here? What is going to help you continue to stick with it?

Or learning a new skill or hobby. Are you doing this for joy or just to check off a box? Does this hobby actually add value to your life? If you plan on learning a new skill or hobby, it should be for fun, to enjoy and to enhance your life. We’re not getting into the habit of taking on resolutions that don’t do all of this, OK!

Finally, “saving money”. This one is much easier said than done and requires MAJOR discipline. How are you going to make this happen? Do you have specific financial goals? What are they? How are you going to stick with it?

Yes, that’s the real question here- How are YOU going to stick with your New Years resolutions?

realistic and rewarding new years resolution ideas

How to Stick to New Years Resolutions

Sticking to a New Years resolution comes back to one thing, and that is if it is rewarding enough. Anyone can make a list and check boxes off. But the true power comes when you check boxes off that actually add value.

That is where creating rewarding New Years resolutions comes in. Why should they be rewarding? Well, because odds are that is the only way you’re going to actually stick with them and that they will become part of your life.

Think back to the “lost weight” example. Setting aside my philosophy that all bodies are good bodies, I’m not a huge fan of this blanket resolution because of the lack of value it brings without deeper investigating. If it’s just a number on the scale, you’re equating your value to just that. Instead, make it more about overall wellness, strengthening, mobility and self care. Set realistic goals that get you there mentally, emotionally AND physically. Try goals like “go for a walk 3 days a week to help my mental health” and “stretch my body for 20 minutes each day” are both realistic and attainable, and odds are they would help you begin to lose weight as well. Creating a New Years resolution centered around rewarding habits is key!

Making them attainable just makes them realistic. And with that, your quality of life should also be taken into consideration when building up these rewarding New Years resolutions.

Above all, make sure your goals are rewarding! Rewarding New Years resolutions are what you are going to stick with.

5 Rewarding New Years Resolutions

OK, now that we have covered why resolutions fail along with how to actually stick with them, let me share with you 5 great, rewarding New Years resolutions that you can actually stick with because they all add value to your life!

1. Move Your Body in a Way That You Enjoy

First up, we have the rewarding New Years resolution of moving your body. Not exercising everyday. Not doing a specific exercise. Not busting your butt in the gym. Sure, you can do all of those things, but the goal here is just to get you moving in a way that feels good. If you’re a newbie, the first, realistic way to accomplish working out is by finding something you enjoy doing. Maybe it’s walking. Maybe it’s trying a few work out classes to see if you enjoy any of them. Maybe this is joining a gym and exploring the different machines to find one’s that you don’t hate as much as the others.

Whatever it is, give yourself the small attainable rewarding goal of moving your body. With this one, weight will come off and you’ll eventually figure out a work out routine that you enjoy. Small steps, girl!

2. Organize Your Life For Your Benefit, Not Aesthetics

Forget just “organizing”. No, you’re going to find something that makes sense for you. Do you need to organize your kitchen so that cooking weeknight dinners isn’t as stressful? What about your bathroom so getting ready before work doesn’t take as long? Or closets so putting away clothing is easier?

Those are some rewarding New Years resolution goals. Like I mentioned earlier, you gotta create realistic goals for yourself that actually support your life!

3. Nurture Friendships Organically

This one rewarding New Years resolution might be my favorite. This is something that will benefit your life in so many ways and is something that so many of us let go of because life gets in the way. Find a realistic way for you to nurture your friendships this year. Join a Facebook group. A book club. A mom’s group. Find your people and make time for them.

Maybe that is setting aside a time once a week to Facetime a friend and see how they’re doing. Or set a day of the week that’s build for making plans with friends. Friendship is SO important and it’s definitely something that you can realistically work on! This is rewarding in and of itself, you just gotta figure out how it can work for you!

4. Find Happiness in Everyday Moments

Make it a goal to be on the search for something that makes you happy. Try a new hobby. You don’t like it? Try something else. Make this New Years resolution attainable and realistic by bringing your own personal happiness into the mix! Make that your goal. This is such a rewarding New Years resolution because you’re quite literally just trying to find your happiness!

5. Practice Boundaries for Your Wellness

WRITE THIS ONE DOWN. Finally, we have a New Years resolution not yet mentioned, and that is practicing boundary setting. This one can be tough but trust me, this is a game changer for your year. Practicing boundary setting will allow you to build meaningful relationships that don’t drain you. Yes, practicing boundaries is great for your wellness.

Figure out 2-3 boundaries you want to set for yourself that relate back to your overall wellbeing. Maybe this is setting your phone on DND at night so you can focus on yourself and your family. Little things like that can really improve your life! Remember, if your end goal in mind of focusing on your overall wellness, it is definitely realistic and attainable, making it a super rewarding New Years resolution!

I hope this list of rewarding New Years resolutions has given you a few ideas for what you would like to work on in the new year!

Be sure to follow along on Instagram @eclectickurves for more updates year round!

Enjoy Today!
