Garden Romping

Hey girl hey! Are you enjoying this summer weather? I know it is super hot out, but let's not rush the cold and snow just yet. I mean, if it was freezing out, I wouldn't have been out in the amazing Coxhill Gardens werkin' on my tan. Let's be honest, I'm also pretty stoked to be #killingit in my new shoes that scream garden par-tay chic. Not to mention being paired with this shirt with the cape hem? #hello

Now, you may be asking, where are all the flowers? I thought you said you were in a garden? LOL. I promise I am ! This garden has very few flowers, but beautiful fountains, statues and structures. Perfect for photo ops :) There were a few flowers I rounded up for you...and a pair of cute shoes too!

I can't get enough of these baddddd boys! JustFab is the perfect place to pick up a few trendy kicks for all seasons. I LOVE shopping there! Check it out! This is a very versatile shoe, and can be dressed up or worn with jean shorts like I've shown in this post. Here are a few other pics of me romping around this fab not-so-flowery garden.

In all seriousness, what a great place to just get away. If you haven't found value in being alone with your thoughts and just breathing...I would highly recommend it. This life is all about balance, and I found a little my garden.

How do you stay Zen?

Enjoy today!



Shirt and shorts: JCPenney

Shoes: (tell them I sent you!)


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Sierra Holmes